The chilly, rainy and foggy day didn’t promise much in the way of sightseeing. We had plans, but had to make adjustments. A phone call from cousins helped decide the direction we would go. We returned to the assisted living complex where cousin PS lives. His daughter and her daughter were coming by to visit. It was fun to connect with more of the family and see how much the little one has grown. After a good visit, we left to give them some family time.
We had about three hours before we had to be at the next reunion. So, we decided to look for some shoes for my driver. He hates shoes and wears Birkenstocks almost exclusively. Yet, in winter, and especially in the Midwest, I thought it might be a nice idea for him to have some real shoes. Not only that, but here in the Midwest I thought we might actually be able to find some WIDE shoes that would possibly fit him.
Duluth Trading Co. boasts their “big ass pants,” so when we walked into the store in Omaha and the greeter asked if he could help us find something I said, “We’re looking for some ‘big ass shoes.'” He actually laughed, but guided us to the right spot where there were, indeed, some ‘big ass shoes.’ In the process of shopping, my driver realized he probably has never had the correct size shoes before. As long as I’ve known him he’s worn a size 12 or sometimes a 13 shoe. Today we walked away with a size 14 Wide! No wonder he hated shoes. Certainly we’ve never been anywhere before that had such a selection of large sizes.
Red Wing Shoes was located nearby and I found a pair of oxfords on sale. I’ve always loved Red Wing shoes and I sometimes have trouble finding my unusually large and narrow size. I was so happy to find a pair that fit. We are set for the season now.
I had about 30 minutes before we had to head out to the next reunion, so I took the opportunity to walk through the local Michael’s store. We’ve been so occupied with our travels it was a bit of a shock to see all the Halloween AND Christmas fixings in the craft department. The Fall is slipping away.
Crossing back into Iowa, we found our way to my driver’s 45th high school reunion at the Keg Creek Brewery in Glenwood. It wasn’t actually the “official” reunion, as that had taken place in August. But since there was a slim turnout and my driver would be in the area this weekend, a supplementary reunion was planned.
About 12 classmates (out of 44) and their spouses gathered at the brewery owned and operated by one of them.
A tour of the brewery was first on the agenda, along with tastings of the different beers they produce. Following that, we all met at the Buck Snort Tavern for dinner and more conversation and reminiscing. When we finished dinner, we moved back to the tasting room at the Keg Creek Brewery for more mixing and reuniting. All in all, it was quite a pleasant group and gathering. Neither of us had ever been to a class reunion before!