It’s a delicate dance each morning when we are traveling; no different for the final day of a trip. We wake; I shower first while my driver checks the news of the day and begins to collect all the cords and tech equipment we travel with. Then we exchange and he showers while I collect the dirty clothes; wash out our thermos cups and fill them with ice; then clean out the mini fridge and pack our little travel cooler with ice for the road. We each pack the final arrangements for our own bags. And then we make the pass through the room; first me; then him; then me again. Just to make sure we didn’t inadvertently leave anything. We didn’t, did we? I guess this morning dance is actually helpful because we haven’t left anything anywhere for a long, long time.
A little weary from this jaunt in June, we were anxious to get on the road, hoping to be ahead of what we knew would be atrocious traffic around Olympia and approaching Seattle. We visited every rest stop along the way, and at one we surmised that Elizabeth and Phillip must have made a stop here along their travels. What we found when we got out of the car was a full, long-haired, auburn lady’s wig laying beside where we pulled into the parking space. It looked a little the worse for wear and we imagined Elizabeth needed to make a quick change before she even left the car, dropping the wig as she made for the restroom to complete her change. I should have taken a picture of it, but I was too shocked to think of it until we were driving away. (Needless to say, we enjoyed “The Americans” . . . and Elizabeth and Phillip made it safely to – spoiler alert – Russia.)
Because it was such a clear and bright- blue day, we were able to get a quick view of Mt. St. Helen’s . . . from the car window; and yes, we were going 65 mph. I did get it, though! Just to compare it with Mt. Shasta and Mt. Lassen – here’s Mt. St. Helen’s.
We traveled on. The day was getting mighty hot for our beloved Northwest climate. As expected, the traffic was stop and go for miles along the freeway approaching Seattle. We progressed slowly and carefully and were simply grateful to be going home after a lovely little jaunt in early summer.
We arrived around 3:00 and immediately got a call from one of our sons who wanted to take his father to a movie. Perfect timing. Another son and his family joined them and I stayed home to get the unpacking and washing done. I even delighted in my own kitchen again and made a spice raisin cake for my birthday boys and Father’s Day.
That’s why I’m a day late in putting up our exploits for our final day of travel. I was just too busy last night . . . and home . . . so, it didn’t occur to me until after I was in bed that I had not ended our trip.
It’s ended. We arrived safely. We enjoyed our jaunt. And, now the summer can begin. Our wildflowers welcomed us with a rainbow of colors and blooms. All the boys are arriving in mere hours to celebrate their father’s birthday and Father’s Day. The grace continues. May each of your summer days be filled with grace as well.