A short Getaway

With great delight, we threw a couple of things in the car and set out for the ferry. In these extra hot days of summer we decided to escape to the coast and the mountains. Where else is there with such opportunity? Only on the Olympic Peninsula!

We rode the 12:10 ferry Puyallup to great gusts of ocean breezes; crossed the Hood Canal Bridge and found our way to the Coyote BBQ & Grill in Port Angeles. It was delightfully tasty & filling – exactly what we needed to journey on.

We found our way to the Olympic National Park visitor center where we oriented ouselves and made the decision to avoid the traffic on the way to Hurricane Ridge due to road work for five miles along the route. So we made the choice to find a little state park, Cline Spit, along the coastline near Dungeness Spit. It was windy,  chilly and wild as the tide came in close to our feet. Seagulls clamored to be the first to capture some expossed crab. A local gentleman put his trap out to capture some smelt for dinner. I felt very close to nature; very close to God.

From the park, we drove along the cliff above the waves and backtracked to the Sequim Bay Lodge to find  our accommodations.

We wanted to catch the news. It was only last night we learned Archbishop Hunthausen had died. We felt we were remembering him today with appropriate honor as he was not only a great and holy man, but a great lover of nature and the graces of the natural world.

It was a beautiful getaway.