In my prayer this morning I read that Catherine of Siena, who lived from 1347 to 1380, is known to have said: “Preach the truth as if we had a million voices for it is silence that kills the world.”
What powerful wisdom that is! Speaking and preaching the truth is a necessary quality of each disciple. But, then I remembered one of my favorite nuggets of wisdom from St. Francis of Assisi, who lived from 1182 to 1226. He is known to have said: “Preach the gospel wherever you go. If necessary use words.”
There we have it! In these two statements from the saints, I think we have a simple guide for our lives. Whether we are silent or whether we preach with a million voices, it is clear what we should be doing each day. We must be about the work of making Christ visible in our day in every way possible.