A Drop

Several small occurrences and conversations I experienced this past week have caused me to reflect on a lovely quote of Mother Teresa:

“The whole work is only a drop in the ocean.  But if we don’t put the drop in, the ocean would be one drop less.”

There was the drop of an email from a friend with a link to check out; a call from another reminding me of the joy of our friendship; an old fashioned letter in the post from a cousin who I had not heard from in months; a question from a co-worker of my husband who wanted to know if he had displayed any new pictures of his wife’s in his office that he could come by and see;  and a phone conversation with a former parishioner that caused me to remember some of the best advice I was ever given.

The work of our days may seem like it produces little . . . but, we cannot be the judge of that.  Others may be receiving valuable drops of grace that fell from our interactions.  And, without those drops, the ocean would be one drop less.

What are the drops that we are leaving for others to water and nourish their lives?  What are the drops we are receiving for our own nourishment?  What have we seen or heard; touched or felt; tasted or experienced that has allowed us to see the grace of this present moment? They are certainly countless . . . but first we have to notice them.

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