Yes, grace abounds! And the reason I can say this with such assurance is that I found grace in the place where I would least expect to find it . . . the dentist’s office!
After losing a crown over the weekend I was sure that I would meet with great obstacles in finding a dentist that would serve my immediate needs. You see, dentist’s chairs are not my favorite place and dentists . . . well, you guess the rest.
But, I was hugely surprised to find a dentist who quickly scheduled me, got me into her chair and explained to me all the procedures she was doing as she worked. She was both personable and competent. What a surprise! And while I was in her chair I was able to look out her wall-sized windows into her small urban garden filled with flowers and garden art. It was a grace beyond anything I expected. And I walked away with my tooth repaired and my estimation of dentists improved.
Where have you been surprised to find grace today?