Evening and Morning

2012 Dec 19 - xmas trees eve 221Last evening I set out for my walk late in the day so I could capture some of the National Mall in evening light.  It was unseasonably warm and I enjoyed the slower, winter pace in and among the monuments.  As I walked, I marveled at the beauty even in the winter landscape.

2012 Dec 19 - xmas trees eve 181

There was quite a contrast of emotions for me as I walked past the White House and saw all the holiday decorations – then looked across the street to see all the flags at the Washington Monument at half staff in honor of the victims of the Newtown shootings.  I said a prayer for them and wondered to myself if there would ever be an end to such senseless killing.  And, I said a prayer of hope.  We can always hope.

2012 Dec 20 sunrise 005As I prayed last evening, I wondered what hope looks like.  Not being a morning person, just by accident, (or maybe in answer to prayers) I caught some of the extraordinary sunrise this morning.  I had to grab my camera and snap the picture right through my window just as a reminder that hope is eternal and the sun does rise each day signaling a new beginning.  And I thought to myself, this is what hope looks like.  This is the grace of hope painted across the morning sky.

What a difference in emotions from last evening to this morning.  There is grace in Advent – and there is hope for our world.

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