Yes, another year, another day, another chance to begin again!
I think that is one of the most wonderful things about our traditions and New Years. We find it appropriate to re-think our habits and our directions and feel comfortable vowing to begin again – with something new, something untried, something novel or exciting.
So, in the shadow of this second day of the New Year, I have to share something that I read yesterday. This person was reminding me that in all the things we set out for ourselves to DO in this New Year, we should also remember the things we DO NOT want to do. She suggested making a list of DON’Ts to include with our resolutions for the coming year.
This really caused me to think! Yes, there are many things that I DON’T want to do this year and I habitually fall into DOING them. As an example, perhaps you’re like me and habitually say “yes” to something I would rather say “no” to. So, on my list of DON’Ts for the year is I will no longer say “yes” when I really need to say “no.” That’s going to be harder than losing weight! I will say “no” to invasions of my time; to additional commitments I would rather not engage in; to food that is not good for me; to responsibilities that are not mine; etc., etc. AND, I will NOT feel guilty. Quite a resolution.
It’s a freeing thought, really. There are so many things I want to do in this new year, I might as well start with saying “no” to the things I don’t want to do.
May this New Year fill us with the grace necessary to say “no” to the things we don’t want to be doing – and leave any guilt behind – so that we can be fully present to the things we DO want to do.