In just a few short days the landscape here has dramatically changed. The brown and barren tree branches have come alive with full blooms and broad leaves in every shade of green imaginable.
Having lived in the Northwest for so long, I had forgotten how barren the landscape can become in winter. Green is the perpetual color of the Northwest, and Seattle aptly nick named the “Emerald City,” but elsewhere, there is little color but brown and gray to see us through the winter months.
So, when creation comes alive again during the spring in this area and green fills the canvas, dotted by a host of colors – white, pink, yellow, purple, red – making lace-like patterns among the branches, I have a renewed appreciation for the glory of creation. I’m reminded of the painting instructor my kids used to watch on PBS when they were little. He painted “happy trees” with “happy blossoms” and “happy leaves” among “happy clouds.” On a day like today there is no disputing it. Creation itself is happy! Life is graced.
Are we contributing anything to this happy scene? With the new life of Easter budding within us, and creation itself coming alive, I think we must.