We had a bit of a “lay-in” as the Brits would say, then made bacon and eggs for breakfast. After cleaning up the dishes, we walked through a section of the “neighborhood” of the resort and around a couple of holes on the golf course. Luckily, we stopped at the 9th hole and found a little coffee shop where my driver could get his freshly brewed coffee for the day. I continued on to walk the golf course until I got lost and had to backtrack my steps to find my way back.
It was still too smoky to make the effort enjoyable, so the remainder of the day we decided to “rest in place.” We read our books; caught up on the national news; walked down to the swimming pool for a cool dip and a sit in the hot tub; and came back to make egg sandwiches for dinner. It really was a lovely day of resting.
Due to the fires and smoke, there is hardly anyone here. The pool only had about 4 other visitors! That’s the kind of visit to the pool I like.
Last night as we checked out the facilities, the person at the community center desk told us that things had just slowed down at the resort as we could see – there was not a single person in the pool. All summer long, she reported, this community center was so crowded that hardly one more person could be squeezed in. We’d come at the perfect time, she told us, if it weren’t for the smoke from the fires! Today as we left after our swim she asked if we enjoyed ourselves. Randy said, “Yes, we did, but we would like to come back when it’s less crowded.” She laughed uproariously, and reminded us again how hectic and crowded things had been just one week earlier.
After cleaning up from dinner we walked down to the main desk to get instructions on our move tomorrow. Apparently, we have to change rooms to complete our stay. I guess they know what they are doing! It was so much cooler this evening that I decided to take a little evening walk in the opposite direction along the golf course from what I had traveled this morning. Just as it was turning twilight and I was thinking of turning around, I saw three white tail deer gracefully bound across the green in front of me. While they stopped to check me out, my movement to get my camera set sent them bounding away. I tried, but some things just have to be captured with the mind’s eye and be remembered there.
It was a lovely, lazy day, resting in place.
(That’s our tiny apartment on the second story – the two windows and the balcony on the right.)