Where do you go for inspiration? Last week I spent the entire day at the National Art Museum. Even at that, it was difficult to see the entire museum! Still, the experience was one of total inspiration.
There is something about art that makes me remember that nothing is instant. It took years of practice and learning and doing and doing again to perfect the beauty that hung on the walls of the art museum. Few of the paintings there were the first product of their masters. Claude Monet painted over 100 versions of his lily pads in his garden! Can you imagine working on the same masterpiece over 100 times? There is inspiration in that for me. I can keep at it. I can try again. I can do something – be it painting or writing or poetry or pottery or sculpture – or whatever – over and over again and maybe, just maybe, with time and patience, our skills will improve and our masterpieces will be recognized as well.
Sometimes inspiration is hard to come by. Just go to an art museum and see what grace you find there!