In one week so much can happen. Francis has been Pope for one week and already there seems to be a gentle breeze blowing through the Church! I’ve read and heard and seen that he loves being with people – even getting out of his car to walk among the people, to kiss babies and bless a person with disabilities. It’s been reported that he was in favor of a same sex marriage rule when Argentina was voting for it – but was negated by his fellow Bishops. And, today we hear he might be open to discussing the possibility of married priests.
Over the week I have heard many words describe Francis. It is well understood he has a “love for the poor.” “Confidently humble” and “ecclesiastically conservative while socially liberal” are two descriptions I’ve heard that seem to hit the mark in my observations. There are so many ways we can be poor – economically, yes, but also spiritually and socially. These reports of Pope Francis show that he has a love for all those in poverty – of any kind. At least it shows that his love for people includes a concern for people and the issues they must deal with. I pray this first week is only a taste of what’s to come! The days ahead will be exciting.
And while I was watching and listening to reports of Pope Francis’ election and the following days, we were in Delaware and New Jersey looking for historic sites and museums. We had a lovely day, although cold, taking the ferry from Lewes, DE to Cape May, NJ and exploring the town and beaches of Cape May.
We found a beautiful state park at Ft. Mott, NJ and walked along the trails by the Delaware River thinking about history and all the people who had walked these paths before us.
Coming home, we spent Sunday offering our services as tour guides to a friend of a friend who was interviewing for a job in D.C. She and her daughter were somewhat overwhelmed with the possibility of a move from Seattle to D.C. Having done it and survived, we spent the day with them talking, driving, orienting to neighborhoods, eating and looking at apartments. At the end of the day we were friends and truly sorry that she would arrive in D.C. just as we are leaving!
A full week of news and views and adventures. All of it grace!