Life is nothing short of an adventure all on its own . . . but somehow a car trip ignites thoughts of steamer ships and covered wagons, and explorations into unknown lands with unknown promises.
Life is like that, too, and finding a life partner to make that journey of discovery together can be one of the greatest blessings we ever receive.
So it was that we left the comfort of home this morning to discover each other all over again on the road to San Francisco. The day was Northwest gray, but the beauty unparalled. We talked and laughed and passed the hours listening to “Hamilton.” I had to look up the lyrics and read them out loud so we could actually understand what they were singing – but it’s really quite a remarkable retelling of history.
By the time we reached the California boarder it was dark and cold and snowing and just a tiny bit scary driving the mountain roads. But a Comfort Inn awaited us and we found sustanance at The Black Bear Diner. To be continued . . .